Lisa A. Morgan

Lisa A. Morgan

Results Through Culture - Understand, Unlock and Unleash your Organisation's Potential

Is cultural change at the heart of your transformation?

Lisa A. Morgan partners with you to lead your most complex organisational transformations.

As a Strategist, Advisor, Mentor and Guide, Lisa works with your leaders and change champions to shape culture or new ways of working.

She guides you as you put the conditions and capabilities in place to achieve holistic organisational transformation.

Her superpower is that she leans in to tackle and solve some of the most complex people risks organisations often face – ways of working, people or stakeholder challenges that perhaps you have been avoiding or working around.

She guides and supports organisations to better Understand, Unlock and Unleash their culture to more effectively achieve ‘Results Through Culture’.

Lisa has set a personal vision of partnering with Leaders who are deeply committed to leading transformation in a human centred way.

The first step is a two-hour leading cultural change dialogue (in person or virtually) with your leaders.

The objectives of this session are:

  1. to discuss the scope and anticipated people impacts of your transformation
  2. help your leaders understand how best to lead your transformation with and through your people to get ‘Results Through Culture’ rather than in spite of it
  3. share insights regarding the requirements for leading transformations that stick
  4. better understand the value of having the Results Through Culture conditions and organisational capabilties in place
  5. discuss and agree the immediate way forward and the organisational capabilities and strategies necessary for achieving your necessary cultural transformation or shift.

Click here if you’re interested in taking advantage of this two-hour transformation scoping workshop or discussing other ways we could work together.